Tips to Increase the Domain Authority score of a website

Domain authority is a website metric score and it is measured on a scale of 1 – 100. It predicts how well your website will rank on Google and other search engine result pages.

1. Publish blog posts regularly

If you publish blog posts frequently or at regular intervals, then your domain authority will increase gradually, and Search engines really like websites that are frequently updated.

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2. Create quality and linkable content

Content is the king and Backlink is the queen”. Quality content can attract backlinks, and the backlinks will make your content trustworthy

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3. Improve your internal linking

Internal links keep your visitors engaged for a long time with your website. Building a strong internal link structure is a key factor in improving your domain authority.

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4. Improve user experience

User experience is the most important and unavoidable factor for increasing your domain authority score.

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5. Disavow toxic low-quality links

Spammy, and bad backlinks, may negatively affect your website and it directly impacts your domain authority score. Use Google’s Disavow Links tool to remove the bad links.

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6. Be active on social media

Social signals play a vital role in your website ranking, and the social signals act as a vote for your web pages.

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7. Be patient

If your site is 2 or 3 years old, and it is still active means, you have a better chance to get high ranks in search engine result pages. So be patient, let your domain grow older.

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