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How to increase domain authority of a Website?

How to increase domain authority of a Website?

How to get a high ranking in search engine result pages? This is one common question every website owners always ask and look for an answer.

Domain authority is one of the most important website metrics in the world of SEO. If your website has higher domain authority, then you have a greater chance of getting a better ranking in search engine result pages.

In this article, you will be learning, what is domain authority? How to check the domain authority of your website? What is a good domain authority score? and the 7 effective ways to increase domain authority.

What is domain authority?

Domain authority is a website metric score developed by Moz, and it measured on a scale of 1 – 100. It predicts how well your website will rank on Google and other search engine result pages.

Google doesn’t use Moz domain authority as a ranking factor. Then why is it important? It helps to understand how search engines will rank your website based on your website’s credibility.

Moz uses a lot of factors to calculate domain authority such as,

  • The number of inbound links
  • Linking root domains
  • The quality and relevance of the inbound links
  • The quality of the website’s content
  • SEO best practices
  • Social signals and so on.

How to check domain authority?

You can use the Moz link explorer tool to find out your domain authority score. Enter the domain or subdomain address in the URL bar you want to check, and hit the search button. It will show your domain authority score. You will need to sign up for a free Moz account to get 10 free queries per month.

You can also use the Mozbar chrome extension to check any website’s domain authority or page authority. All you need to do is install a Mozbar in your chrome browser. Now you can see the page authority and the domain authority score under every search result.

What is a good domain authority score?

As I mentioned above, Domain authority measured on a logarithmic scale ranges from 1 -100. All brand new websites have very low domain authority only, and those websites can increase their domain authority when they build high-quality backlinks.

Domain authority is a comparative metric, so there is no “good” or “bad” domain authority score. It depends on your competitors, so aim for a higher domain authority score than your competitors.

How to increase domain authority?

Now let’s see, how to increase the domain authority of a website. Domain authority is very important for search engine rankings.

Here we have listed the 7 effective ways to increase your domain authority score.

  • Publish blog post regularly
  • Create quality and linkable content
  • Improve your internal linking
  • Improve user experience
  • Disavow toxic low-quality links
  • Be active on social media
  • Be patient

Increase Domain Authority Infographic


Google doesn’t use Moz domain authority scores as a ranking factor. However, it helps to understand how search engines will rank your website based on your website’s credibility.

Publish blog post regularly

If you publish blog posts frequently or at regular intervals, then your domain authority will increase gradually, and Search engines really like websites that are frequently updated. Frequently updates tell search engines that your website is trustworthy.

Publish unique, relevant, informative blog posts, add images, videos, infographics, and FAQs on a regular basis will help to improve your SEO rank. It will improve your user experience as well. User experience is one of the important factors to determine the domain authority score.

Generally, if you post regularly, you get more traffic and conversion.

If you don’t update your blog regularly, you will see a fluctuation in your domain authority score. Don’t think it is not easy to post regularly, because there is always something new to share with your audience.

Create quality and linkable content

Writing valuable, in-depth, long-form, easy to read & understandable content, tutorials, and case studies are the best way to earn natural backlinks to your blog post.

You have probably heard this phrase, “Content is the king and Backlink is the queen”. Quality content can attract backlinks, and the backlinks will make your content trustworthy. It will help to increase your online reputation.

Quality content and quality backlinks make your website successful, and it can improve your rankings & domain authority as well.

Publishing infographics are the other most effective ways to attract backlinks. According to the mass planner, Infographics can generate 3 times more shares on social media than any other type of content. You can also submit your infographics on infographic submission sites that will help to get authoritative backlinks to your website.

Improve your internal linking

Internal links are the links that go from one page to another related page on the same domain and the internal links are very important as backlinks. Building a strong internal link structure is a key factor to improve your domain authority. It can improve your user experience, and it can increase your search engine rankings as well.

Internal links make your blog post more informative, and they allow visitors to navigate your website easily. Internal links not only help your readers, but it also helps to search engines to crawl and index your entire website easily and quickly.

Internal links keep your visitors engaged a long time with your website, so it reduces the bounce rate. Linking from a higher authority page to a lower authority page helps to spread link juice throughout your website.

Improve user experience

Nowadays user experience is more important than anything, so you need to optimize your website for a better user experience. User experience is the most important factor for increasing your domain authority score.

How to improve your user experience?

Here are some tips to optimize your website for better user experience,

  • Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly
  • Improve your website’s loading speed
  • Make your website navigatable, and keep your navigation simple
  • Use headings to highlight important points
  • Make your content easy to read, and use subheadings to break your content
  • Use bullet points, bold, and italic to segment the key information
  • Fix your broken links immediately
  • Use keywords in your content naturally, don’t stuff the keywords
  • Keep your content free from grammatical errors

Disavow toxic low-quality links

Quality backlinks help your website to get higher ranks in SERPs. On the other hand, spammy, bad backlinks, may negatively affect your website and it directly impacts your domain authority as well.

The characteristics of bad links are,

  • Links from low page rank or low domain authority sites
  • Links from unrelated page or website
  • Links from thin or low-quality content
  • Links from a penalized website
  • Links with over-optimized anchor texts
  • Too many links from the same domain

You can’t get high ranks in search engine result pages until you disavow the spammy, low-quality links.

So you need to check your website’s link profile regularly and remove bad, low-quality links to improve your domain authority and search engine rankings. You can use Google’s disavow links tool to remove the bad links.

Be active on social media

Social signals play a vital role in your website ranking, and the social signals act as a vote for your webpages. Social media channels are the best place to promote your content, and the social media channels have high domain authority as well. So social media is one of the great factors to determine your domain authority.

If you have more shares and engagements on social media platforms that will help you to improve your domain authority.

Share your content on social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin will help to reach a new audience and it drives more traffic to your content. Social sharing also helps to build your brand awareness.

Related post: 11 ways to boost your website traffic through social media

Use social sharing buttons on every page of your website to encourage more shares.

Be patient

Domain age is an important ranking factor, and it also determines the domain authority score of your website. If your site is 2 or 3 years old, and it is still active means, you have a better chance to get high ranks in search engine result pages. So be patient, let your domain grow older.

Many new website owners, bloggers want to increase their domain authority overnight. It is really hard, but don’t worry. If you keep publishing high-quality contents, you can improve your domain authority over a period of time.


If your domain is below 6 months old, Don’t worry about the scores now. Keep working on generating high quality, well-researched articles, which will help you to get quality backlinks. If you have quality backlinks, you can increase your domain authority.

Create high-quality blog posts, active on social media channels, disavow bad links, build strong internal links, these will help you to increase your domain authority, and also, help you to get higher ranking in SERPs.


Content writer and Marketer

An enthusiastic SEO expert, passion for digital marketing with two years of expertise in writing Digital Marketing and SEO content. She is a Master of Business Administration graduate from a reputed university in south India. Her passion for SEO and online marketing helps her to stay up to date with the trends and strategies. Follow her on social media sites, to stay up to date with SEO, and Digital Marketing, Updates. To contact Raji, visit the contact page.

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