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Top 7 digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2019

Top 7 digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2019

We all know that the digital revolution is continuously shaping up the marketing industry. Since the 3rd industrial revolution digital marketing is going through a roller coaster ride every decade, because of the technology advancement.

We are now in the early stages of the 4th industrial revolution, which brings together physical, digital, and biological systems. Advancement in data computation, machine learning, IoT is helping marketers and industries to hack the purchasing behavior of consumers by enhancing their shopping experience.

The growth of digital technologies and the speed that they can scale are impacting almost every digital marketing tactics such as SEO, Content marketing, Email marketing, Social media Marketing, and Intent advertising, etc.

In this article, we are covering the top 7 digital marketing trends and predictions that can significantly dominate the digital marketing industry in 2019.

Here are the seven digital marketing trends to watch out for 2019,

1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Voice Search
3. Chatbots
4. Video Marketing
5. Social Media
6. Podcasting
7. Content Marketing

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing industries more and more. Two decades of internet surfing data left behind to analyze and understand consumer behavior, opportunities, needs, and gaps, etc. With the help of Artificial intelligence, the marketer can get access to the shots at the right time. Artificial intelligence uses Big data, the Internet of Things, and Machine learning processes heavily to find out the meaningful patterns and opportunities in the available social media, internet, and customer data.

Artificial intelligence is greatly helping digital marketers in terms of providing a personalized experience to consumers through digital communications such as sending emails, showing ads, etc. It helps to increase the advertisement's ROI by segmenting the consumers based on their specific needs, location, sentiment, and geographic locations, etc.

Predictive analytics helps marketers to make data-informed decisions rather than experience-based or opinion-based decisions. The ability of artificial intelligence to collect data, analyzing it, apply it, and learning from it is greatly helping industries to strategize their marketing effectiveness.

A “State of Marketing” report from Salesforce Research indicated that 51% of marketers are already using AI, and 27% more are even proposing combining this technology in 2019.

Click here to read the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing

The growth of digital technologies and the speed that they can scale are impacting almost every digital marketing tactics such as SEO, Content marketing, Social media, and etc.

2. Voice Search

Voice search is continuously growing. The stats below are strong evidence of voice search does matter in digital marketing.

  • According to ComScore, 50% of internet searches will be voice searches by 2020.
  • According to Gartner, Roughly 30% of all searches will be done without a screen by 2020.
  • 46% of voice search users look for a local business daily.

What is voice search?

Voice search is users using their voice to ask queries to a smartphone or home assistant devices rather than typing their queries in search engines. Voice search peaked up since the introduction of ‘smart speaker’ devices, such as Google Home, Amazon’s Echo,  etc.

What is the major difference between organic search and voice search?

When we search using voice we use different terms, and phrases to form a query, generally, voice searches are longtail keywords.

In traditional search, we use short keywords rather than typing the complete query. For example, in traditional search, we use the term "Latest smartphone" wherein voice search we may use "what is the new smartphone available for purchase in the market", so to optimize voice search, digital marketers need to use different SEO, keyword research techniques.

3. Chatbots

Chatbots are helping brands to communicate directly with consumers and collect useful information to provide personalized email or communication experience with consumers. The number of people interacting with chatbots is kept increasing and businesses cannot avoid the use of chatbots in their online system.

To answer and engage the customer who is visiting the company's website, chatbots are the perfect and cost-effective solution. Chatbots are not only engaging and answering customer's queries, but it also helps businesses to understand their customers better by collecting basic information from them. As more people started shopping online chatbots are helping businesses to increase sales by providing the right information or direction to the customers.

Digital marketing trends 2019 chatbots

Chatbots are helping customers 69% faster to find answers to their questions.

4. Video Marketing

Video content is the future, people engaging with videos more and more. Facebook gets more share for the video content than the text content. As we all know Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world which is totally a video-based platform.

Video marketing helps customers to remember your brand and encourages sales. Live stream videos are a growing trend on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and other channels. Consumers are engaging more with video content before making purchasing decisions. According to Forbes, 90% of consumers say video content helps them to make purchasing decisions and 64% of consumers say that watching a video makes them more likely to purchase the product or services.

5. Social Media

Social media marketing continues to be incredibly important for businesses to build consumer communities and brand loyalty in 2019. Although, social media is rapidly changing the reach and conversion rate are much higher.

Businesses should continuously engage with their customers on social media and add value to their loyalty will help brands to stand out in the crowd. Social media especially Facebook is assisting customers in finding new products and encourages purchasing.

Every business should consider social media marketing in their marketing strategy in 2019, as this offers tremendous opportunities to benefit. You do not have to sell every time you post on social media, either text content or video content, social media, will tell your brand story to your consumers. So engaging customers regularly, having things right from the beginning is essential in social media marketing.

6. Podcasting

Podcasting is the creation, and distribution of audio files through the internet and it will be available for downloading to your digital devices. The term derived from the words iPod and broadcasting.

The main advantage of podcasting is that the customers can listen anytime, anywhere, even if they are driving or stuck in traffic. Podcasting will hugely help to create brand awareness, generate traffic to your business website, etc. It is estimated that 2 billion Android users will access podcasts never before in  2019 by Zack Reneau-Wedeen, Founder & Product Manager, Google Podcasts.

7. Content Marketing

Content marketing continues to be the king in the world of digital marketing. Adding real value to your customer needs, providing enough and complete in-depth knowledge is what will make your brand stand out in the crowd.

The quality of content is more important as we can able to precisely identify our target audiences with the help of machine learning, big data analysis, we need to give them quality content which should add value to the visitor. Basic information available everywhere, generating more in-depth information about services and products is very important to build trust among visitors going forward.

Another article you might enjoy: 6 Steps to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing trends 2019 infographic


The technology advancements, the growth of artificial intelligence, innovation, the reach of social media are rapidly impacting digital marketing. It is not going to be the way it was in 2018 or 2017. Focusing on one or two digital marketing channels is not enough anymore, it's moving towards the Omni channels approach. You need to do digital marketing in all the available and possible channels. In this article, we have discussed the top 7 digital marketing trends to focus on in 2019.  To stand out in the world of digital marketing, you need to be creative enough. All the research tools metrics and techniques are available to everyone in this industry if you want to stay ahead of the competition don't be afraid to explore the new techniques and strategies.


Business Owner

An energetic entrepreneur with 12 years of corporate experience in the field of brokerage operations and functions. A Data Science Aspirant - Business Analytics and Business Intelligence postgraduate professional from a reputed B-School in India. His passion for Data Visualization, Web and social media Analytics helped him to become a learner, speaker, and writer in the space of SEO, Digital Marketing, and UI, UX designs.

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