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How to Create a Successful Video Marketing with 6 simple steps

How to Create a Successful Video Marketing with 6 simple steps

Video marketing is one of the most powerful internet marketing tools. Promoting your products or services via video is known as video marketing. The human brain prefers visual 60,000 times faster than the text and 90% of information sent to the brain is visual.

According to a recent study,

  • It's estimated that over 82% of internet traffic will be online videos by 2022.
  • 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool.
  • video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year.
  • 81% of consumers make buying decisions after watching videos.
  • 82% of Twitter users watch video content on Twitter.

How to build a video marketing strategy?

There are 6 steps in video marketing strategy,

Video Marketing Strategy Infographic

Promoting your products via video is known as video marketing. The human brain prefers visual 60,000 times faster than the text and 90% of information sent to the brain is visual.

1. Know your goals

The first step in creating an effective video marketing strategy is determining your goals. We suggest you make SMART goals,

  • S - Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R - Relevant
  • T – Time-bound

Here are some goals for your video marketing strategy,

  • To Attract a large number of views.
  • To Increase brand awareness.
  • To Increase click-through rates.
  • To Increase website traffic.
  • To Increase Conversions.
  • To Increase sales revenue.
  • To Increase social engagement.

Research your audience

Video marketing success is depending on targeting the right audience. Defining your target audience means understanding who your audience is? And what they like? You can gather information about your existing audience from Google Analytics and social media analytics tools.

Segment your audience by,

  • Demographics - analyze indicators such as age, gender, income, occupation, location, education.
  • Psychographics - identify their interests, behaviors, hobbies, needs, values, lifestyle, problems, attitudes, and emotions.
  • Location - target audience has different preferences based on their location.

3. Determine the type of video and the platform

There are many platforms to share your video which is including YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, E-publications, and Tube. Youtube is the second highest traffic generating website in the world.

You will need to research which platform is to fit your video. For example,

  • Youtube is best for long videos, Product demos, and educational videos.
  • Facebook is best for short videos, fun videos. It works without sound.
  • Twitter is best for Teasers.
  • Instagram is best for micro-videos.
  • LinkedIn is best for case studies and informative videos.
  • Snapchat is best for fun videos.

Types of video marketing

There are 10 types of videos you can create for your video marketing. Now you will decide what type of video you want to create.

Live videos - Live videos help to build trust between you and your target audience. Live videos don’t require investment in production or editing. Interviews and live presentations make great material for these marketing videos.

360-degree videos - This is also known as immersive videos. It allows the viewers to look around in all directions. This video type is allowing viewers to experience a location or event.

Product Demo videos - It should demonstrate how your product or service works.

Animated videos – It is also known as motion graphics videos. The visual aids help to convey the information properly to your target audience. This type is used for product or service explanation, landing page explanation. Importantly Animated videos make your content memorable.

Brand videos - The goal of a brand/branding video is to attract your target audience and build awareness about your company. Brand videos show the company’s vision, mission, and products or services.

Event videos – Event videos show the conference, discussion, expert interviews, presentations, and any other company events. It is a great way to build trust with your target audience.

Explainer or tutorial videos – explainer videos used to explain business ideas. Let your customers know why they need your products or services. In these types of videos, you can show how you will be helping your audience.

Educational videos – this is also known as "how to do" videos. It can be used to educate your audience on something new. This can be done by talking about your products and services. Also, Educational videos offer real value to your audience.

Testimonial videos – It will help to build trust and credibility with your potential customers by creating case study videos about your happy and loyal customers. Most People make the purchase decision based on reviews.

Product videos – show your customers how your products or services are different and great.

Keep in mind that, the videos up to 2 minutes long are getting the most engagement.

4. Create an effective video

Now it is the time to create an effective video. Business videos need a script, write down all the characters, scenes, directions, and all the information to make your script accurate. Write your script using common words we hear every day. That’s the best way to make your message sound clear and natural. Decide what kind of video you want to create. For example,

  • Share your video with others
  • Make a purchase
  • Remember your business
  • Contact you

Tips for creating effective video content

  • Keep your videos short.
  • Your videos should convey your core message.
  • Make your videos interactive. Ask questions to viewers and ask them to leave answers in the comment section.
  • Your video title must be attractive to viewers.
  • Make your videos mobile friendly
  • The introduction of your videos should be informative and inspiring.
  • Make sure that the videos are produced in high quality.
  • Most effective videos tell some inspiring stories.
  • Publish your video on multiple platforms.
  • Use relevant keywords in the title.
  • Write a clear video description.
  • Make sure that your keywords are present 3 to 4 times in the description.
  • Display your website address(URL) in your videos. It will help you to generate traffic to your website.
  • Give information and tips to your audience. This can be more effective than promotional videos.
  • Make sure that the audio quality of your video is good.
  • Music is a powerful tool in videos.
  • Don’t make boring videos, provide some sense of humor. Humor works well in the video marketing campaign.
  • Speak directly to the audience. Use pronounces like “you” and “your”.
  • Place a call to action button that invites your viewers to take action.
    • Pre-roll Calls to Action - appear at the start of the video.
    • Mid-roll Calls to Action – appear anywhere between the start and the end. These are designed to target viewers when they are most engaged.
    • Post-roll Calls to Action - appear at the end of the video.

5. Publish your video

Start making your videos by editing and arranging as needed. If you are filming life you don’t have to edit or upload your video. Now it is time to upload your videos. Publish your videos on multiple platforms like Google-owned YouTube and other social media channels.

6. Analyze your campaign

After uploading your video, you need to conduct an analysis of the results. There are 6 ways to measure your video campaign.

View count – how many times your video has been viewed. To increase your view count you can share your video with your audience via email.

Play rate - Play rate is the percentage of page visitors who actually clicked play and began watching your video.

Watch rate - how much of your video people actually watch. Keep your video content short and clear. This will help you to increase your watch rate. If your video is boring viewers get away from your video.

Social sharing – how many people are sharing your video counts!. Create educational videos to increase social sharing.

Click through rate – click-through rate is the percentage of visitors who click on your video’s call to action and visit another page. Match the video content to CTA and Produce high-quality content it will help you to improve your click-through rate.

Conversion rate – the percentage of video visitors becoming a customer. Provide relevant and valuable information to your target audience. This will help you to increase your conversion rate.

Benefits of Video Marketing

  • Google loves videos. Videos can be easily found via Google.
  • Video marketing will boost social media engagement.
  • It will help to improve search ranking.
  • Videos help you to connect with your audience.
  • It will help you to build backlinks to your website.
  • It will help to drive traffic to your website.
  • Video marketing can attract new visitors.
  • Gives Excellent return on investment.
  • It helps you to increase conversions and sales.
  • It helps you to increase open rates and click-through rates.

Video marketing is not easy but with strategy, you will surely see the wonders. Hopefully, this guide will help you to expand your skills and produce better results.


Content writer and Marketer

An enthusiastic SEO expert, passion for digital marketing with two years of expertise in writing Digital Marketing and SEO content. She is a Master of Business Administration graduate from a reputed university in south India. Her passion for SEO and online marketing helps her to stay up to date with the trends and strategies. Follow her on social media sites, to stay up to date with SEO, and Digital Marketing, Updates. To contact Raji, visit the contact page.

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